Thursday, February 3, 2022

Budget-2022 : Digital Currency to Crypto Tax

 Finance Minister - Nirmala Sitharaman, in her budget , introduced specific tax for Virtual digital assets in 2022-2023.....

The basic points from that Virtual digital assets are...

*  Any Income from transfer of any virtual digital assets to be taxed at 30% ЁЯШС. The Finance Minister said , there is an increase user of virtual digital assets compare to previous year. Due to that, they provide a specific tax for Crypto and NFT's Users.

*  No deductions to be allowed for such income. But they proposed 1% TDS on payments if the amount beyond Rs.10,000 in a year and also  Finance Minister  said, The TDS has been proposed to track the money trail in Cryptocurrencies.

* The TDS will come into effect on July 1, 2022 and the gains will be effect on April 1, 2022.

*  In that , there is no taxation for RBI's digital rupee. The 30% taxation will be subjected to all crypto-currencies and other virtual digital assets.

* Other terms in digital assets are....

     - The Person received any gifts from digital virtual assets also will be taxed.

    -   Finance Minister said that the govt. is doing stakeholder's consultation on regulating the virtual assets.

    -  There is a loss from transfer of crypto's can't be set off against any other type of income.

Saturday, August 8, 2020


                  What you need to know about the new education policy ...!

The Union Cabinet has approved the new draft Education Policy 2019 draft report submitted by a committee headed by former ISRO chief Kasturi Rangan..... 

Here  a few things We need to know about that......

 What is the National Education Policy?

         ЁЯСЙ          The National Education Policy was formulated by the Central Government to promote education in India.

        ЁЯСЙ       It includes various guidelines related to school education, higher education, vocational education, and adult education.

When were education policies issued before this?

          ЁЯСЙ     India's first national education policy was introduced in 1968 under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Second National Education Policy was introduced in 1986 under Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.

What is NEP 2019?

        ЁЯСЙ     When the central government headed by Prime Minister Modi took charge, it decided to raise the standard of education in line with the changing circumstances. To this end, in 2017, ISRO set up a committee headed by former President Kasturi Rangan to formulate a new education policy. The group includes Alphonse Kannandan, Ramshankar Kuril, M.K. Sreedhar, TV Kattimani, Mazar Asif, Kishan Mohan Tripathi, Manjul Bhargava and Vasuda Kamath were present.

How many sections of schooling is divided ?

      ЁЯСЙ     LKG should be divided into pre-primary education up to class 2, primary education up to class three to five, secondary education up to class six to eight and secondary education up to class IX to class XII.

What are the key features of the new education policy?

      ЁЯСЙ    Introducing old education systems such as kurukulam, school, etc., to find out the learning ability of students by conducting national performance test in 3rd, 5th, 8th classes, completing general education with 8th standard, selecting and studying subjects for future study from 9th to 12th standard, compulsory mother tongue education up to 8th standard, Trilingual education program in all states, compulsory education up to 12th standard, nutritious breakfast and lunch in primary education.

Why is the new education policy being opposed?

     ЁЯСЙ     The policy of reversing our education system, the act of usurping the power of the state government, the need to seek coaching centers for education, the need to start educating students at the age of three,

         ЁЯСЙ    the transfer of the power to create textbooks to schools across the country to NCERT will make teachers in the states incompetent.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Mix Ashes of Dead People In Rivers......


Sadguru:- When somebody exceptionally dear to you is dead, however you realize they are dead, someplace, your mind will begin playing stunts.
“Possibly he is sleeping, perhaps he will sit up now, or he will return out of the ashes.”
But when you spread the ashes in the stream, you realize it is finished.
An intense acknowledgement of death occurs for the living – and it is additionally for the dead.

The Dead Must Move On

Up to forty days after death, the being still sets aside some effort to totally leave the body.
Regardless of whether you have burned the body,

it will search for specific components of the body like the ashes or something that has a place with them,for example, their pre-owned garments.

This is the reason in Hindu families(Why we mix ashes of dead people in rivers?)

The minutes the individual immersed into the dust, all the garments that the individual utilized, particularly those garments which contacted the individual’s body, similar to underclothes, are burned.

This is on the grounds that the being still searches for components of the body, perhaps the perspiration,possibly the smell of the body, in light of the fact that the acknowledgement has still not come that it is finished.
On the off chance that you keep the ashes in a single spot, there is a tendency for the being to search for that.
So the ashes are discharged in a river where they will spread and be immersed.
That’s why they can’t be found.
Everything conceivable is being done to cause the being to understand that it is finished.

At the point when somebody dies,

Customarily, you are seeing how to totally destroy the runanubandha.

Putting the ashes in the Ganga or in the sea is to scatter them as broadly as could be expected under the circumstances so you don’t create runanubandha with one who has gone away.
For you to proceed with your life, you should break this runanubandha appropriately.
Something else, as is going on in present day social orders, it can influence your physical and mental structure.
It weakens your body and mental structure so that as opposed to appreciating all the lovely things that occurred between two individuals, you will experience it.
It can likewise cause a specific unbalance of life.

To stay away from this, we attempt to ruin the physical memory alone– not mental memory. You ought not to lose mental and emotional memory.
Somebody who implied such a great amount to you – for what reason would it be advisable for you to overlook them?
You should appreciate that relationship until the end of time.
In any case, we need to destroy the physical memory.

Mysterious Mischief

There is another motivation behind why we need to scatter ashes.
The characteristics of the individual stay in the ashes in the afterlife.
Regardless of whether you consume the body, it is workable for a measurable research facility to recognize the individual from the ashes with DNA investigation.
So on the off chance that you keep it in a pot, for instance, this being may at present drift around!
This is the reason the individuals who practice mysterious hold up at burn grounds to collect ashes for ceremonies – they need to pull in the being towards them.
They need to do black magic and get that being to utilize it in an alternate manner.

At the point Why we mix ashes of dead people in rivers?

When somebody dear to you kicks the bucket, you need to ensure their remains don’t get into inappropriate hands.
You don’t need your ancestors or comparative with be abused for quite a while or become a victim of black magic.
At the point when you submerge the ashes in the river, it’s not possible for anyone to take it.

Another approach to scatter them is to go to a mountain where the breeze is blowing, and let the remains out with the goal that it spreads everywhere.
The goal is that no one ought to have the option to get even a little bunch of ash.

Credits : Nikist nd Google.....

Thursday, February 20, 2020

#роороХா роЪிро╡ро░ாрод்родிро░ிЁЯФеЁЯТЩ...

роороХா роЪிро╡ро░ாрод்родிро░ி роЙро░ுро╡ாрой ро╡ро░ро▓ாро▒ு!

роороХா роЪிро╡ро░ாрод்родிро░ி роЕрой்ро▒ு ро╡ிро░родроо் роЗро░ுрок்рокродாро▓் родெро░ிропாрооро▓் роЪெроп்род рокாро╡роЩ்роХро│ுроЯрой், родெро░ிрои்родே рокாро╡роЩ்роХро│் роЪெроп்родிро░ுрои்родாро▓ுроо் роЕро╡ை роироо்рооை ро╡ிроЯ்роЯு роиீроЩ்роХிрок்рокோроХுроо் роОрой்рокродு роРродீроХроо். роЕрод்родроХைроп роЪிро▒рок்рокு ро╡ாроп்рои்род роороХா роЪிро╡ро░ாрод்родிро░ிропிрой் ро╡ро░ро▓ாро▒்ро▒ைроХ் роХுро▒ிрод்родு роЗрои்род  родொроХுрок்рокிро▓் роХாрогро▓ாроо்!

рокிро░ро│роп роХாро▓род்родிрой் рокோродு рокிро░роо்рооройுроо், роЕро╡ро░ாро▓் рокроЯைроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯ роЕройைрод்родு роЬீро╡ро░ாроЪிроХро│ுроо் роЕро┤ிрои்родு ро╡ிроЯ்роЯ роиிро▓ைропிро▓், роЗро░ро╡ுрок்рокொро┤ுродிро▓் роЕроо்рокிроХை роЙрооாродேро╡ி, рокро░рооேро╕்ро╡ро░ройை роиிройைрод்родு рокூроЬை роЪெроп்родாро│். роиாрой்роХு роЬாроороЩ்роХро│ிро▓ுроо் роЗро░ро╡ு рооுро┤ுро╡родுроо் роЖроХроо ро╡ிродிрок்рокроЯி роЕро░்роЪ்роЪройை роЪெроп்родாро│்.
рокூроЬைропிрой் рооுроЯிро╡ிро▓் роЕроо்рокிроХை роИро╕்ро╡ро░ройை ро╡рогроЩ்роХி, роЕроЯிропேрой் родроЩ்роХро│ைрок் рокூроЬிрод்род роЗрои்род роЗро░ро╡ை, родேро╡ро░்роХро│ுроо், рооройிродро░்роХро│ுроо் родроЩ்роХро│் родிро░ுроиாроород்родாро▓ேропே, роЕродாро╡родு ‘роЪிро╡ро░ாрод்родிро░ி’ роОрой்ро▒ே роХொрог்роЯாроЯ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்’ роОрой்ро▒ு ро╡ேрог்роЯிройாро│்.

роЕрои்род роЪிро╡ро░ாрод்родிро░ி роЕрой்ро▒ு, роЪூро░ிропрой் рооро▒ைрои்родродு рооுродро▓், рооро▒ுроиாро│் роХாро▓ை роЪூро░ிропрой் роЙродропрооாроХுроо் ро╡ро░ை, родроЩ்роХро│ை (роЪிро╡ройை)рок்рокூроЬை роЪெроп்рокро╡ро░்роХро│் ропாро░ாроХ роЗро░ுрои்родாро▓ுроо், роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роОро▓்ро▓ாро╡ிродрооாрой рокாроХ்роХிропроЩ்роХро│ைропுроо் родрои்родு, рооுроЯிро╡ிро▓் рооோроЯ்роЪрод்родைропுроо் роЕро░ுро│ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்’ роОрой்ро▒ுроо் роЙрооாродேро╡ி ро╡ேрог்роЯிроХ்роХொрог்роЯாро│். роЪிро╡рокெро░ுрооாройுроо், ‘роЕрок்рокроЯிропே роЖроХроЯ்роЯுроо்!’ роОрой்ро▒ு роХூро▒ி роЕро░ுро│் рокுро░ிрои்родாро░்.

роТро░ு рооுро▒ை ро╡ேроЯрой் роТро░ுро╡рой் ро╡ேроЯ்роЯைропாроЯ роХாроЯ்роЯுроХ்роХு роЪெрой்ро▒ாрой். ро╡ெроХுроиேро░роо் роЕро▓ைрои்родு родிро░ிрои்родுроо் роТро░ு ро╡ிро▓роЩ்роХு роХூроЯ роЕро╡ройிроЯроо் роЪிроХ்роХ ро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை. рокொро┤ுродுроо் роирой்ро▒ாроХ роЗро░ுроЯ்роЯிро╡ிроЯ்роЯродு. роЕрок்рокோродு роЕроЩ்роХே рокுро▓ி роТрой்ро▒ு ро╡рои்родுро╡ிроЯ, роЕродро▒்роХு рокропрои்родு роЕроЩ்роХிро░ுрои்род ро╡ிро▓்ро╡ рооро░род்родிро▓் роПро▒ிроХ்роХொрог்роЯாрой்.

роЕрои்род рокுро▓ி роЕрои்род рооро░род்родைропே роЪுро▒்ро▒ி роЪுро▒்ро▒ி ро╡рои்родродு. рооро░род்родிро▓் роХрог் роЕропро░்рои்родாро▓், роХீро┤ே ро╡ிро┤ுрои்родு рокுро▓ிроХ்роХு роЗро░ைропாроХிро╡ிроЯроХ்роХூроЯுроо் роОрой்рокродாро▓் родூроХ்роХроо் ро╡ро░ாрооро▓் роЗро░ுроХ்роХ роЕрои்род рооро░род்родிрой் роЗро▓ைроХро│ை роХீро┤ே рокро▒ிрод்родுрок்рокோроЯ்роЯுроХ் роХொрог்роЯே роЗро░ுрои்родாрой்.

роЕрои்род роЗро▓ைроХро│் роОро▓்ро▓ாроо் рооро░род்родிрой் роЕроЯிропிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்род роЪிро╡ро▓ிроЩ்роХрод்родிрой் рооீродு ро╡ிро┤ுрои்родு роХொрог்роЯிро░ுрои்родрой. рооேро▓ுроо், роЕрой்ро▒ைроп родிройроо் роороХா роЪிро╡ро░ாрод்родிро░ி роОрой்рокродாро▓் роЗро░ро╡ு рооுро┤ுро╡родுроо் роЪிро╡рокெро░ுрооாройை роХрог் ро╡ிро┤ிрод்родு рокூроЬிрод்род рокро▓ройைропுроо் родрой்ройை роЕро▒ிропாрооро▓ேропே рокெро▒்ро▒ாрой். роЕродрой்роХாро░рогрооாроХ, роЕрои்род ро╡ேроЯройுроХ்роХு рооுроХ்родி роЕро│ிрод்родு рооோроЯ்роЪрод்родை роЕро░ுро│ிройாро░் роЪிро╡рокெро░ுрооாрой் роОрой்роХிро▒родு рокுро░ாрогроХ்роХродை.

роороХா роЪிро╡ро░ாрод்родிро░ி роЕрой்ро▒ு ро╡ிро░родроо் роЗро░ுрок்рокродாро▓் родெро░ிропாрооро▓் роЪெроп்род рокாро╡роЩ்роХро│ுроЯрой், родெро░ிрои்родே рокாро╡роЩ்роХро│் роЪெроп்родிро░ுрои்родாро▓ுроо் роЕро╡ை роироо்рооை ро╡ிроЯ்роЯு роиீроЩ்роХிрок்рокோроХுроо் роОрой்роХிро▒ாро░்роХро│்....

Saturday, February 1, 2020


Finance Minister- Nirmala Sitharaman, in her budget 2020 speech has proposed a 16-points action plan to boost agriculture and farmers welfare.....

Pic-L Balachander...
Info from The Hindu...

The value points from that budget are...

* Agriculture market needs to be liberalised; govt proposes to handhold farmers, says Finance minister..

* Comprehensive measures for 100 water-stressed districts being proposed

* Government will help 20 lakh farmers for setting up solar pumps; Farm market will to be liberalized.

* Another 15 lakh farmers to be helped to solarise their grid-connected pump sets.

* Scheme to enable farmers to set up solar power generation capacity on their fallow/barren lands and to sell it to the grid.

* Supporting states to focus on one product for one district so as to make way for Horticulture to gain momentum.

Change in incentive scheme for chemical fertilisers. We will encourage balanced use of all fertilizers, a necessary step to change the incentive regime which encourages excessive use of chemical fertilizer

Krishi UDAN scheme for agricultural exports on international and national routes. This will also improve value realization in North East and tribal districts

Tuesday, January 28, 2020



  1. Be relentlessly proactive. Don't always wait for direction from others.
  2. Keep your promises. This is by far one of the most important actions you can take to start gaining respect.
  3. Stop apologizing. ...
  4. Don't waste other people's time. ...
  5. Stop gossiping immediately. ...

Budget-2022 : Digital Currency to Crypto Tax

  Finance Minister - Nirmala Sitharaman , in her budget , introduced specific tax for Virtual digital assets in 2022-2023. .... The basic po...